Entropy of entanglement

Entropy of entanglementEntropy of entanglement
  1. The property of the entanglement for the state is also clear from the calculation of relative entropy of entanglement .


  2. A variety of entanglement measure methods have been proposed , such as the relative entropy of entanglement , the geometric measure and global robustness of entanglement and so on .


  3. The nonlocality of the state is well uncovered by introducing appropriate Bell operator based on the ' pseudospin operator ' . Moreover , we calculate directly the relative entropy of entanglement of the state .


  4. Chapter 4 is devoted to proposing generation and manipulation of entangled atom states in an antiferromagnetic spin-1 BEC under magnetic field with gradient and also investigating the dynamics of the entropy of entanglement .


  5. The von Neumann entropy measure of entanglement is used to study the fractional quantum Hall effect on the sphere .


  6. We numerically calculate the relative entropy of the entanglement and analyze in detail the linear entropy of the entanglement .


  7. The main content of this dissertation is as follows : This dissertation introduces in details the basic conditions that bipartite entanglement measure should satisfy and the five entanglement measure , von Neumann entropy , formation of entanglement , distillation of entanglement , relative entropy of entanglement and entanglement monotone .


  8. Jaynes-Cummings Model is an important system to produce quantum-entangled state . We find that information entropy and the amount of entanglement oscillate with time-evolution periodically . The quantum state changes between disentangled state and entangled state .
